OIL held its March 2022 Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 22nd and its 2022 AGM by virtual means on Thursday, March 24th. During the Board meeting, the directors approved the Company’s 2021 financial statements, discussed the execution progress of the 5 year Strategic Plan and approved the payment of a $350 million dividend on or before June 30th, 2022 for shareholders of record on March 22nd, 2022. During the AGM, the Shareholders approved a broadened Definition for Energy Operations that...

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뉴스와이어 보험뉴스 Oil Insurance Limited (OIL) Board of Directors Declares $350 Million Dividend and its Shareholders Broaden the Definition of Energy Operations during the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

뉴스와이어 보험뉴스 DB손해보험, 임원 및 부서장 인사

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뉴스와이어 보험뉴스 KB손해보험, 손해보험 업계 최초 마이데이터 사업 본허가 획득

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뉴스와이어 보험뉴스 미래에셋생명, KGA에셋과 지분 투자 계약